14th August- Partition Horror Remembrance Day

In memory of the struggles and sacrifices of our people, 14th August will be observed as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day: PM

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has said that in memory of the struggles and sacrifices of our people, 14th August will be observed as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day.

In a series of tweets, the Prime Minister said;

“Partition’s pains can never be forgotten. Millions of our sisters and brothers were displaced and many lost their lives due to mindless hate and violence. In memory of the struggles and sacrifices of our people, 14th August will be observed as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day.


May the #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay keep reminding us of the need to remove the poison of social divisions, and disharmony and further strengthen the spirit of oneness, social harmony, and human empowerment.

  • As we all Indians know what happened at that time was horrible.
  • Pakistan was carved out as a Muslim country after the division of India by British colonial rule in 1947.
  • Millions of people were displaced and many lost their lives in the riots. The Place Nokhali in West Bengal and Bihar witnessed Massacres and violence on large scale.

The date when the partition was announced was a terrific date for Indian History. The partition took the figure of Painful memory in the history of India and Pakistan.


Partition of British India Into India and Pakistan

Partition of India

In our history, The partition of India was the division of British India into two Dominions India and Pakistan.

The two states have since gone through further reorganization: the Dominion of India is today the Republic of India and Pakistan. To read more visit the post-Indian Independent Act of 1947.


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Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1745685


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